Model Number: ICA6P‐SLR
The Imperial Controller Assembly (ICA6P-SLR) is a fully contained solar solution for your irrigation controllers in a cost effective plastic enclosure. This unit produces 120VAC power to operate both conventional or 2-wire irrigation controllers.
Eliminate the costly expensive of a utility drop and the ongoing monthly power bills. Don’t let the utility companies turn off your power during high winds causing your landscape to dry out and causing potential issue with dry plant material
The size of the solar panel and the battery size offers days of uninterruptable power during the darkest days. And with the nonvolatile memory in todays controllers, irrigation would resume with correct date and time after prolong power outages.
- This Dent and Scratch Proof Honeycombed Enclosure Runs Cooler than Similar Products Made out of Stainless Steel.
- Lithium Ion Battery
- Power Inverter with Bluetooth Capability
- Solar Management Controller with Bluetooth Capability
- Circuit Breaker Protection
- 220 Watt Solar Panel *
- LED Power Monitoring Gauge
- Power Outlet for Irrigation Controller
- Stands: 40 1⁄2″ Tall ~ 16″ Wide ~ 14.5″ in Depth
- Mounting Hole Pattern: 8″ x 8″
- Bottom Opening: 8.5″ x 5.5″ for conduit, station wiring and power wires
* = Optional Solar Panel Pole available.